Organization & HR

Organization & HR

🧩 Why Focus on HR?

A business strategy is a plan for creating and maximizing competitive advantages to accomplish an organization's mission. To successfully execute that strategy, each business function needs to align its departmental strategy with the overall business strategy.

The HR function is perhaps the most impactful when it comes to the execution of all other business functions. Top-performing sports teams don’t drop out of the sky — it takes thoughtful, dedicated recruitment to get the winning players onto the field.

HR is critical to maintaining a team who can successfully act on a business strategy, responsible for successful talent acquisition, performance management, and training and professional development.

A skilled HR unit will be able to align your company’s business functions in their ability to:

  • Possess a sophisticated understanding of a business strategy
  • Assess current conditions
  • Plan and implement an HR strategy
  • Measure and evaluate results and adjust as needed

💼 Manfred’s Experience

  • 2018: CEO and Founder @ Berty Technologies, a privacy-first messaging app and an offline-first messaging protocol. Management of 15 employees and a large network of freelancers.
  • 2017: Long-term IT re-architecting consultant @ Veepee
  • 2016: CEO @ Wulo, a ride-hailing service and taxi booking application aiming to create a non-profit cooperative alternative to Uber. Management and direct supervision of 10 employees.
  • 2012-2016: Systems Engineer @ Iliad/Free. Heavily involved in the formation of Scaleway, including hiring its first 15 employees. Scaleway is currently one of Europe’s largest cloud providers, with 350+ employees.
  • Years of auditing experience inside IT organizations across all stages of maturity

💡 How PMG Can Help

PMG Consulting can fulfill HR roles or help you strengthen your existing HR in several capacities:

  • Set up a recruitment strategy
  • Lead hiring interviews
  • Help you with individual hiring decisions
  • Set up your in-house HR processes

We can also provide trainings on technical subjects (e.g., open-source, infrastructure, security) and advise you on how to update your team’s knowledge base over the course of their employment.